Can a Beagle be left home alone?

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Beagles are true pack dogs. They absolutely love to be around other dogs and people. Some of them can even get along well with other smaller pets like birds, cats, and rabbits, as long as they get the right training and time to acclimatize. Because your beagle loves being near you, you may wonder: can you leave a beagle alone?

A beagle can be left alone for short periods and, if necessary, even for a full workday. But that requires planning, training, and foresight to make it all work.

If you’ve ever come home to a destroyed house with a guilty-looking beagle, you already know what beagle separation anxiety can look like. This type of “misbehavior” is likely a sign of loneliness and boredom. Fortunately, this is a problem you can solve!

Can you leave a beagle alone?

Again, yes, they can. While it would be great if we could all stay with our dogs at all times, this is, of course, not the case in practice. We have work to do, children to care for, and groceries to buy. The fact is there are times when our dogs are actually better off and safer if left at home alone.

All dogs are pack animals. But beagles are even more attached to their pack and to you – their leader. The alpha dog!

If you’re not there, some beagles just don’t know what to do with themselves. Because of this dilemma, some of them may become destructive when faced with so much boredom and anxiety, tempting many owners to leave their dogs outside all day. However, I would not recommend this at all.

Beagles are playful and curious. They are also very stubborn. This combination makes for great escape artists and runners. If you leave a beagle home in the backyard, there’s a good chance he’ll find a way out of the fence or get into other kinds of trouble. Additionally, beagles are not meant to be outside in extreme weather conditions. They do not have thick fur and therefore do not do well in the cold.

If your dog must be home alone occasionally, it’s a better plan to put him outside than to address the problem behavior, so he won’t cause issues inside. More on that later!

Are Beagles better in apartments or large houses with gardens?

Leaving a beagle alone

This is more about the owner than the house, to be honest. While you might think most beagles need a large backyard to run around in, it truly depends on the circumstances. Beagles love plenty of sun and a lot of exercise. They also enjoy spending time with other dogs and their human family. These factors will be more important than whether or not there is a large backyard.

That said, there are clear benefits to having a backyard for a beagle. The first is that you can let him or her outside alone while you’re working or otherwise busy. While you should check on your dog regularly, there’s nothing wrong with him spending small chunks of time alone in a fenced backyard while you are home. However, it’s important to remember that this time in the backyard should not replace regular walks! Your beagle still needs the exercise, bonding, and mental stimulation of walking.

Of course, beagles can live in apartments, provided their owners are willing to put a lot of time into providing opportunities for both mental and physical exercise. Since they will be inside, with fewer chances to play, they may become bored more quickly. Beagles are also known to whine when they are lonely or upset. Apartment dwellers may find that their neighbors are not too keen on that.

But provided that the owners lead an active lifestyle and are willing to put time and effort into training and sufficient exercise and offer opportunities to explore the outside world, there’s no reason a beagle cannot live in an apartment.

Beagles and separation anxiety

Beagles are known for being incredibly loyal and loving dogs. This is one of the reasons why we love them so much! Unfortunately, this can translate into separation anxiety, where your beagle becomes very nervous when you are not around.

The symptoms of beagle separation anxiety will vary somewhat from dog to dog, but you’ll usually notice dogs express it in one of these ways:

  • Whining, crying, growling and barking – Beagles are champion whiners and crybabies. They can go on for a long time if they are really upset! Your dog may also be a barker. Some dogs bark for hours after their owner has left the house.
  • Drooling – This applies to most dogs. They get into a frenzy and drool all over themselves and everything around them. This can be destructive to items like carpets and upholstery, and if you have someone in the house with sensitive dog allergies, this can worsen their symptoms.
  • Destructiveness and chewing – Chewing on things is one of your dog’s coping mechanisms for dealing with anxiety. If your beagle destroys a corner of a couch or a cushion while you are away, it’s not because he is “mad at you” (as many people think). It’s simply that your beagle is trying to channel his nervous energy and stress onto something in the only way he knows how. Some beagles even chew on their own fur or skin, creating hotspots and sores.
  • Trying to escape – An anxious, lonely dog will try to escape from his environment. Unfortunately, this behavior can easily become very destructive! If your dog is locked in a room, many will obsessively claw at the door in an attempt to get out and find you. Or they dig under the fence when they are outside.
  • Pacing – Your beagle may start to pace in anticipation before you leave. Many dogs will continue to do this all day, or even at night while the owner is sleeping.

How to help beagles cope with separation anxiety?

It’s normal for dogs to have a certain degree of beagle separation anxiety, especially dogs that are very loyal and pack-oriented (like beagles). Beagles crave attention much more than other types of breeds. There are things you can do to help your dog cope while you are away.

One thing to consider is whether you can give your dog a playmate! Especially for a young puppy, having another puppy in the house can be a great remedy for loneliness and boredom. While this should never be the only reason to adopt another dog, it’s worth considering that many beagles do better with other animals around.

Beagle home alone

Another thing you can do is give them something of yours to lie on or next to. The best item is something with your scent, like an old t-shirt you’d throw away. If you place this in his bed or resting area, your beagle will think of you and it will be reassuring that you will come back.

For little puppies, it may be helpful to mimic the heartbeat of the mother and other puppies by using a sound device or a ticking clock. Place it near where your beagle will sleep. Check out this heartbeat stuffed animal on

Other owners have found success with calming pheromone sprays like bach flower remedies and plug-in dispensers. These can be purchased at pet stores and work by releasing natural scents that induce calmness. Thundercoats, which apply calming pressure to the body, can be very helpful for extremely anxious pups. Be sure to measure and buy the right size for both safety and effectiveness.

If you have a dog that continues to experience very distressing symptoms of anxiety and none of these measures seem to help with his symptoms, it’s a good idea to contact your veterinarian to ensure there isn’t an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed.

Beagle home alone

When a beagle is home alone, he often displays different behavior than when he is in the company of people. In this situation, they will often rest and sleep much more.

Beagles are naturally social animals who enjoy being around their human companions. When they are alone, they often miss the interaction and activity they typically have when people are around.

Therefore, they may choose to spend their time mainly sleeping or resting, waiting for their beloved owners to return. Yet, it is important to ensure that beagles receive sufficient mental stimulation even when they are alone, to prevent boredom and potential destructive behavior.

Ways to ensure your beagle behaves while you’re away

The best way to ensure that your beagle behaves when you’re not home is to keep them in a crate. If you have doubts about their beagle separation anxiety or if you’re concerned they might be destructive, crates are the best option to keep both your beagle and your home safe. However, you shouldn’t leave a beagle in a crate all day long, as this will cause significant emotional and physical stress for him or her. Veterinarians recommend that you not keep your dog in a crate for longer than 6 to 8 hours.

Many owners express their concern or sadness about putting their dogs in a crate. But understand that dogs are den animals and find that this kind of comfortable enclosed spaces provides a sense of warmth and safety. The key is to start crate training them as soon as possible. Then put the dog in his crate when you’re away during the day. Make sure to include toys that do not pose a choking hazard.

Toys that give your dog training and entertainment are particularly good for keeping them occupied and out of trouble. If your dog seems to become nervous from every little sound outside, turning on a fan, music, or a white noise device can help calm him or her.

Preventing beagle separation anxiety

Preventing beagle separation anxiety is important for both your dog and your belongings. But how do you start?

A big benefit of a dog from a kennel is that he is already used to not always receiving human attention. While a dog that has been raised in a house will develop separation anxiety faster, this is less the case for a dog at Woefkesranch.

Crate your dog just before you leave the house and let him out immediately when you return home. Your beagle can comfortably stay in his crate for 8 hours. Your dog might cry and bark the first few times especially dogs that have always known human presence.

If he makes noise, it’s very important to ignore it. After a maximum of 2 nights, that will be over. And if you go to your beagle, he will see this as a reward and it will take longer for him to be able to be alone.

Final thoughts

As you can see, beagles can do great in many different living situations with the right care. The most important thing is to spend plenty of time with them when you are home and provide many opportunities for exercise, sunshine, and fresh air, as well as stimulating physical activity. A tired dog is a good dog – and this is especially true if you know you will be out of the house for a while.


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