
Can Beagles tolerate the hot summer weather?

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Beagles are known for their love of the great outdoors. It’s one of the things that makes them such wonderful companions.

If you’re looking for a dog to accompany you on outdoor adventures, a beagle should be at the top of the list. And if you already have a beagle in your family , you know that one of their favorite spots is probably a patch of sun by a door or window. That said, too much heat can be dangerous for beagles and it’s important to practice safety during the summer months.

This is especially true if you live in a particularly warm climate. By taking basic safety precautions, you can keep your beagle safe and comfortable. Read on for all the information you need on how to protect your canine friend when the temperature rises!

What Heat Levels Can Beagles Endure?

Summer is a great time to take your beagle buddy on outdoor walks , but it can be hard to know when the heat is too much for them. Although beagles are short-haired dogs, it’s important to remember that in fact they still wear a full-length fur coat and can overheat quite quickly.

This is true of all dogs, and it’s partly because of important physiological differences. First, unlike humans, dogs don’t sweat. This means that they do not have an effective mechanism to cool their bodies. Instead, they pant through their mouths, creating a small amount of evaporation to cool themselves.

In general, beagles are one of the more heat tolerant dog breeds and can comfortably handle temperatures of about 0 to 32 degrees Celsius for a reasonable amount of time. At any temperature above 90, you should closely monitor your dog’s condition and try to limit exposure to direct sunlight.

It’s also important to consider whether your dog is participating in strenuous exercise or if there are other extenuating factors that could make it more likely to overheat. Even in warm temperatures below 32 degrees, your Beagle should always have access to shade and plenty of cool water.

Avoid hot ground if possible

Beagles hittezorg

Another thing to consider if you take your dog out in the summer is the temperature of the soil. At high temperatures, exterior surfaces can reach dangerously high temperatures. As children, most of us had the experience of burning our feet on hot asphalt. It’s not a nice feeling! Your beagle feels the same when he walks on hot surfaces. If it’s hot enough to burn you, or makes you feel uncomfortably warm, your dog will feel the same!

Dogs have very sensitive spots on their paw pads that react the same way to their skin. If it’s hot outside, be mindful of placing your dog’s delicate paws on scalding hot concrete. The surfaces that retain the most heat are asphalt and concrete, especially black asphalt. It’s a good idea to check the soil temperature when you go outside. If it’s too hot for you to walk barefoot on, it’s too hot for your beagle!

Yet you do not have to miss the walks. Just stay close to the softer areas as much as possible. Grass and shady dirt is most comfortable for walking.

And don’t forget sand! Sand can get just as hot as concrete and asphalt, so if you’re taking your dog out for a day of fun and sun, make sure he has a place to lie that isn’t directly on hot sand.

Tips when traveling in the summer with Beagles

If you’re considering taking your furry companion on a trip this summer, make sure you’re prepared. As much as we’d like to hear it, sometimes the best place for your Beagle is at home or in the company of a pet sitter or boarding house.

Before traveling, consider where your beagle will stay and whether it is possible to control the environment to keep them safe and cool. The inescapable heat of camping outdoors at the height of summer, for example, can be too much.

On the other hand, if you know your dog will have an air-conditioned hotel room or RV to hang out in, they’ll be very happy to come along for the ride!

The most important rule for traveling with your Beagle in the summer is to never leave them alone in the car. Think about how hot your car will be when you get in after it’s been out in the sun for just a few minutes.

Many dog owners think it won’t be a problem to leave their dog in the car for five or ten minutes, but the truth is that a dog can die within minutes in extreme temperatures.

Leaving your beagle in a car means the heat has nowhere to go. It’s like putting your dog in an oven for a few minutes! Therefore, you should plan so that your dog can get out of the car when you do. This may require some extra help, such as letting one walk the dog while the other goes outside to go to the bathroom.

You also want to make sure you bring everything your dog needs to stay cool and comfortable. This includes a travel water bowl or bottle. It is very important to offer water regularly. If you’re on a road trip, you may even want to make special stops every now and then so your beagle can hydrate and relieve itself.

You also want to make sure he or she is comfortable and safe in your vehicle. This can be achieved with a kennel/cage or a dog seat belt. If your dog is particularly anxious about traveling, you can talk to your vet. Your vet can make suggestions and possibly even prescribe medications to make the journey smoother for everyone.

How to train your beagle in hot weather

Of course, whatever the weather, it’s important that your dog gets the exercise he needs to stay healthy. Fortunately, there are many ways you can help them maintain their physical activity, even in the hottest temperatures.

The most important tip I can give you is to avoid being outside during the hottest hours of the day. Taking your beagle for walks in the morning or evening – or to the beach or wherever – will be much more comfortable for everyone involved. Temperatures can vary tens of degrees between midday peaks and early/late temperatures. You also eliminate the worries about sun exposure, which are much less dangerous during those hours.

If you must go outside when the sun is at its peak, limit the amount of time you spend outdoors and/or the intensity of the exercise. Even if your beagle enjoys running, extremely hot days are not the best time for it. Days with extra hot temperatures can mean more relaxed walks. You should also seek shade and keep your beagle in it as much as possible. Again, the differences in temperature and sunshine intensity can be huge!

Finally, keep training periods short during heat waves. It is better to take several short walks or outdoor playtimes every day than to be in the heat for long periods of time. And remember, exercise isn’t limited to the outdoors. You can actively play with your dog anywhere! Tug of war and other physical games all count as practice and can be played in the comfort of the air-conditioned living room.

Signs of Dehydration in Beagles

Unfortunately, our dogs can’t tell us they are dehydrated on their own so it’s our job as dog owners to make sure they’re okay and getting the amount of water they need.

If left untreated, dehydration can turn into much more serious conditions that can cause serious damage to your beagle, so prevention and prompt treatment are key. Some of the main symptoms of dehydration in dogs include:

  • thick saliva
  • panting
  • Sunken, Dry-Looking Eyes
  • dry nose
  • Dry skin or dandruff
  • fast heart good
  • Trouble breathing
  • Vomiting with or without diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sticky, dry gums
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Decreased energy level and lethargy

Of all these symptoms, paying attention to skin elasticity is one of the easiest to test for. If you gently pull back on your dogs skin, it will generally sag back and form close to their bodies. However, if it stays in position for an extended period of time after you pull it, it’s very likely that your dog is severely dehydrated.

The easiest remedy for dehydration is to give your dog water, but in extreme cases, they may need to replenish their electrolytes altogether. In cases like this, you should look for vet-approved electrolyte supplements along with water to help them regain their strength.

Signs of Heat Stroke and Heat Stroke in Beagles

Heat stroke and heat stroke are extremely dangerous conditions in which the body temperature rises several degrees above normal in response to the heat in the environment. Heatstroke can happen very quickly in dogs because they cannot efficiently dissipate their body heat. If left untreated, heat stroke can eventually lead to death.

The signs of heat stroke may not be immediately apparent at first, which is why it’s so important to be aware of the temperature and keep an eye on your Beagle when it’s hot outside. If you notice that your dog is panting excessively, it is a sign that he may be dehydrated and warm, which means you should find shade, lower temperatures, water or other means of cooling off.

Lethargy and reluctance to move are more serious signs of discomfort and should be a cause for concern. Drooling, difficulty eating or total loss of appetite, rapid heartbeat, red gums or vomiting can result if heat stroke is not controlled. If your Beagle is showing only a few of these symptoms, this should be taken very seriously and your dog should be moved to an air-conditioned area (or the coolest area outside) as soon as possible.

If your dog experiences these severe symptoms, in addition to cooling the dog, consider contacting an emergency veterinarian for further instructions and care.

How to protect beagles from the heat?

Your dog won’t have to miss out on the summer fun if you follow basic safety precautions to keep your best friend as cool as possible.

Here are some tips to keep your beagle cool in the summer:

  1. Avoid being outside during the hottest hours of the day. The most dangerous hours for overheating are between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its highest and temperatures are rising. During this time, try not to be outside for long periods and, if necessary, keep your dog in the shade or let him or her in if possible.
  2. Do not put any clothes on your dog! This may seem like a good idea, but your dog is already wearing a fur coat, so changing clothes – even a light T-shirt – will make him uncomfortable in the heat.
  3. Always provide water! Water should always be available for your beagle when you are outside in hot weather. Not only should you have water on hand for your dog to drink if needed, but you should also have access to cool water in case you need to wipe your dog to cool him down further.
  4. Give your dog a cold treat! Many beagles love a good, cold treat. Dog ice creams or frozen biscuits in dog-friendly flavors are a great way to keep your dog cool and comfortable.
  5. Take your beagle for a swim. While beagles aren’t the most natural swimmers in the dog world, many of them do enjoy a quick dip or dip in cool water from time to time. A simple kiddie pool could do the trick. If your dog is more adventurous, a shallow swimming spot or beach can keep him cool.
  6. Stay in the grass. Concrete and asphalt are known to get hot enough to literally fry an egg. If it’s too hot for your own skin, it definitely means it’s too hot for your dog’s bare feet. Staying in the grass or other soft spots is the best way to avoid burning your dog’s paws.
  7. Never leave your dog alone in the car. Hundreds of dogs die in this way every year. Even if it’s just a few minutes, extreme heat can – and will – be deadly.

For more tips, watch this video from one of our favorite YouTube channels below:


Recommended Summer Dog Heat Protection Products

  • Dog shoes can be an effective way to protect your dog’s paw pads while walking around in the summer. Unlike those cold winter boots you may be familiar with, you’ll want to consider a lightweight fabric that won’t hinder your pup for long walks and activities. Keeping them light will allow them to move around and prevent your dog’s body temperature from rising any further.
  • Dog bandanas can also be a great way to keep your dog’s face out of direct sunlight on long walks. Just like us humans would use them, bandanas can keep your dog’s eyes from being strained in the sunlight for extended periods of time, and can protect their damp noses from being too dry and chapping.
  • Nose coat rack and pacifiers can also help if your dog’s nose gets too dry on long summer days. Muzzles and noses hold a significant amount of moisture for dogs’ faces, and when they dry out, it can become very irritated and a nuisance for your pup.
  • Dog cooling mat : This is a mat that has been developed for cooling your dog. It uses no electricity and is self-cooling.

Final Thoughts

Heat stroke and heat stroke are very serious, often fatal conditions. The main weapon dog owners have against them is to be informed. You can help keep your beagle cool and safe simply by being aware of the symptoms and best practices for avoiding heat stroke. With these simple safety tips in mind, your dog can enjoy a fun summer.


Our Trustpilot reviews

Below are emails from our customers with their Beagle.

Beagle – Cooper

 Happy New Year van Cooper 


Beagle – Barry

Dag allemaal,

Heel hard bedankt voor jullie mooie kerstkaart. De beste wensen voor het nieuwe jaar.
Wij sturen jullie met veel plezier ook een foto van ons barrytje (bijna 1 jaar 😊)

Vele groetjes

S & M

Beagle – Dobby


Beagle – Bertha

Een echt hondenleven heeft ze, ons Bertha!😊

Beagle – Ellie


Ellie stelt het vrij goed. Zij wou gisteren wel niet eten maar ik heb de korrels wat geweekt met een beetje (lauw) water en deze morgen lukte het wel. Ze was wel wat onrustig deze nacht, we zijn een drietal keer opgestaan om haar wat rustig te krijgen en daarna sliep ze telkens een paar uur terug verder. We hopen dat dit geleidelijkaan zal verbeteren, de eerste nachten weg uit het nest is natuurlijk wat wennen voor het beestje.

Het plassen buiten gaat goed, iedere keer we haar even buiten laten plast ze (deze nacht ook wel een paar keer op haar matje in de bench maar komt op trainen aan).Voor de rest is ze heel aanhankelijk en lief


Jacky W.

Beagle de Erquelinnes – Sam


Voici quelques photos de Sam, déjà 1an et toujours un vrai plaisir.

Bien à vous


Sam °14/8/2023

Gatsby x Donna

Beagle – Winston – Braine-l’Alleud (Eigenbrakel)

Bonjour, Madame, Monsieur,
Bien merci pour votre gentil mail à l´occasion de son premier anniversaire!
Voici deux photos de notre Bébé Bonheur, petit Winston!
Un an déjà qu´il apporte joie, câlins et espiegleries dans notre maison!Bonne fin de journée!
Mme B-V – Braine-l’Alleud (Eigenbrakel)

Oscar – Dabber

Beagle – Finn



Notre chien se porte très bien !

Il est encore assez têtu mais très gentil et joueur.

Je vous envoie des petites photos de lui pour qui vous voyiez comme il a bien grandi !


Bonne journée à vous,

A bientôt,



Beagle – Snoepie

Snoepie is vandaag ingeënt. Foto Snoepie in bijlage.



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