
Best care for Doodles – Water Dogs (Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Lagotto Romagnolo, Cockapoo, Miniature Poodle)

What coat care for Doodles and Water dogs is necessary? Water dogs and Doodles are wonderful, fun, sweet, loyal, hardworking, energetic dogs with fantastic coats. Truly, dogs to fall madly in love with. Especially as puppies, they make your heart melt.

To keep a Water Dog or Doodle’s coat nice and long and out of tangles, regular brushing and trimming is a pure necessity.

Care for doodles or water dogs

An advantage of the Lagotto Romagnolo, a Miniature Poodle, and most Doodles, is that they do not shed. That makes it suitable for people who are allergic to dogs. Please note: the Hybrid dogs can shed! Call us for detailed information.

The coat does need maintenance. The coat has a tendency to tangle. In tangles, vermin, etc. can settle. Regular brushing (certainly once every 2 weeks) is therefore a “must”.

It is possible to have the dog shaved once or twice a year. But if you don’t like a bald dog, he will have to go to the groomer about 4 times a year for a haircut. Or you can learn to take care of your dog yourself.

Removal of hair growth in the ears is a concern. Coat care for doodles is an important point after purchasing a puppy.

Care for doodles: when is the coat ready for cutting?

Undergoing a trim takes every dog a lot of energy. A dog that gets regular grooming will have less trouble with this than a dog that is brushed occasionally at home, but only goes to the groomer twice a year.

Coat care dwarf poodle
Dwarf poodle in the grooming salon (care for doodles)
Fur care doodles
Miniature poodle trimmed (care for doodles)

Coat care for doodles: Because the coat of a Water Dog or Doodle requires a lot of maintenance, it is important to get your dog used to undergoing a trim as soon as possible. The sooner you get your dog used to it, the more you will benefit from it later on.

It is best to let your puppy undergo a so-called puppy habituation at about 15 weeks. During this turn, the puppy learns what it’s like to stand on the table for extended periods of time while someone is messing with their body and fur, what it’s like to take a bath and get a thorough bath.

Is the puppy exposed to the water blower (which is quite a scary first meeting), to lifting and cutting the paws etc. The more the puppy is already used to regular brushing, washing / drying, paws from home lifting, holding his head, teething, etc., the less stressful the first trim will be.

Moreover, it is very important that the puppy learns to remain calm in the hands of someone else, while the owner is not there to hold her and protect her from the evil outside world, in other words: the puppy learns to function independently.

The first real trim can only take place once the coat has grown sufficiently, usually after 5 to 7 months. Then the coat has become so long that it is time to cut out the feet, pluck out the ears and shorten the coat a bit so that it hangs less and gets more shine and body again.

Trim tips

What do you do when your Water Dog or Labradoodle is soaked and dirty, and you would rather not spend hours washing and drying the coat?

Most Water Dogs love water, swimming, running around in dirty puddles and regularly come back from walking with wet dirty paws that when dried leave lots of sand in your house, on the ground, furniture, etc.

And a walk in the pouring rain or a day at the beach can also leave its mark. This is not a pleasant situation for you as an owner, but you also know that if you start to bathe your dog, you will lose 2 hours of your time. Water dogs do not get wet quickly (with a little shaking most coats dry quickly), but when they are really wet, it takes forever for the coat to dry again.

A nasty side effect is that a coat that is entangled when it gets wet reacts like wool in a washing machine: the coat becomes felted. This means that the coat should always be brushed while drying to prevent matting.

Many owners are not yet aware of this joyous fact, with all its problems.
An ideal tool to solve this problem is the water blower.

This is a device that blows air with extreme force (a kind of inverted vacuum cleaner) that, if it has a heat setting, can also be used as a powerful hair dryer. The device blows so powerfully that it blows all the water, dirt, and sand out of the fur (you can literally see this splashing out of the fur).

Water blower

How to use?

Because the water and dirt literally splash out of the fur, the use of a water blower requires a space that can get wet and dirty: think of outside, the shed/garage, utility room, the bathroom, or other suitable space.

When you return home, if desired, first pat the legs and body with a towel to absorb most of the moisture.

Then you turn on the water blower on the cold setting, starting at the legs and moving upwards. (Set the setting to its lowest setting for the very first time, so that the dog can get used to the blowing force). And blow off the hair root, while moving the hose slightly (so that the hose never continues to blow in one place for too long. This is especially important if you have turned on the heat setting!).

This way, you blow out the entire dog. Note: when blowing out the ears, always keep the ear canal closed and never blow into the eyes and other vulnerable parts of your dog!!! Also don’t forget to blow out the insides of the front and back legs, the bottom of the legs and the tail.

If you feel that your dog has been blown clean for the most part, you can turn on the heat setting and dry your dog in the same way. When your dog is dry enough to your liking, you’re done, and you can let your dog into the house with peace of mind. Easy hair care for doodles and Water Dogs.


Below are the emails from our customers with their Labradoodle.

Chocolade Labradoodle - KARO - Zuienkerke

Flinke  KARO, hij gaat overal  mee waar het kan en mag. Ook  op restaurant, ligt hij onder tafel rustig. Op de  hondentraining, onze  trouwe Viervoeters, doet hij zijn best en gaat graag op strand  lopen, ook van het water  geen  schrik. En thuis gewillig en genieten van de  douche komt  er  ook bij! Mijn liefste  compagnon de route.

Dikke  poot van KARO en streeltje  en lieve groetjes van  zijn baasje.

° 28/04/2024
Balou x  Marga

Labradoodle : Leo - Oostnieuwkerke - Belgie

Hallo Marleen,

Bedankt voor de felicitaties voor Leo zijn eerste verjaardag.
We stellen het heel goed met Leo 😀.

Het is een flinke hond geworden met natuurlijk de bijhorende puberstreken. We zouden hem niet meer kunnen missen. 

Ik heb in bijlage wat foto’s toegevoegd.

Veel groetjes 

Hannelore, Jelle, Janah, Lucas en Leo. 

Baloe x Marga

Labradoodle Rocky
Lentefeest van Mauro en Rocky 😉💙💛
Labradoodle -Elvis
Slechts 5 dagen bij baasje …Onze kerel doet het prima…in de bench gaat hij al zelf liggen! Vraagt (meestal toch) om buiten te gaan. Af en toe nog een ongelukje maar hij doet het prima. Loopt zelf helemaal alleen de trap op 👍
Labradoodle - KARO uit Zuienkerke

Beste  Wensen en Gezond 2024.Mijn  KARO doet het  schitterend, ik  zou  hem  niet meer  kunnen  missen. We gaan  naar de honden training hier,Onze  Trouwe Viervoeters en hij gaat over al mee,zit ook graag mee ,in de auto.  We wandelen  ook veel,o.a.op het strand.         Mvg.                                                                 Catherine en  KARO.

Fijne kerstdagen en een gezond 2024!🎄 Groetjes Rob Moniek en Olaf

Olaf : nestje van Nougat en Baron dd 14/01/2023

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Labradoodle - Simba

Simba, 2 jaar



Mups x Baron


Jan C – Sijsele





Labradoodle - Beau

Diverse foto’s van onze jarige Beau

Beste Marleen,
Dank voor de felecitaties van onze jarige Beau Zoals u ziet is het al een flinke jongen.
Hij weegt 25 kilo en is heel sterk
Hij is heel lief en ook vaak niet, dan plakken wij hem achter het behang De laatste foto is hij net bij de kapper geweest.
Hij is een echte vrouwenversierder
Vriendelijke groet
Henk en Ria G.🎂🥂

Den Haan
° 29/10/2022
Freggle x Balou

Labradoodle - MAYA

MAYA en ARTIST gaan haar verjaardag vieren 🥳 🎈🎊🎉🎂

Freggle x Balou
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