Siberian Husky dogs for sale

The Siberian Husky dog is a large-sized dog known for its thick, soft coat and great endurance. It was originally developed to work in packs, pulling light loads at moderate speeds over vast frozen areas.

The breed is usually gray, tan, or black and white, and it may have head markings resembling a cap, a mask, or spectacles.

Huskies are part of the Spitz family and were developed by the Chukchi people of Northeast Asia for use as sled dogs over thousands of years. They are known for their friendly temperament and love to be around people.

If you are considering getting a Husky, it is important to note that they have high energy levels and require regular exercise and mental stimulation. Additionally, they shed heavily twice a year and require regular grooming to maintain their coat.

Appearance of a Husky dog

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized dog breed with a distinctive appearance. Here are some of the key physical features of a Husky:

  • Coat: Huskies have a thick double coat that is designed to keep them warm in cold weather. The coat is soft and can be black, white, gray, red, or sable, and it usually has distinctive markings.
  • Eyes: Huskies have striking blue or brown eyes, or sometimes one of each color. This is one of their most distinctive features.
  • Ears: Huskies have triangular-shaped ears that stand up straight from their head.
  • Body: Huskies have a lean, muscular body that is built for endurance. They have a deep chest, a straight back, and a bushy tail that curls over their back.
  • Size: Male Huskies typically weigh between 16 and 27 kilos and stand 51-60 cm tall at the shoulder.

Overall, the Siberian Husky dog is a beautiful and distinctive breed that is known for its striking appearance.


When grooming a Siberian Husky dog, regular and thorough brushing is critical to maintaining their coat. The good news is, huskies need less grooming than many other double-coated dogs.

You should aim to brush them at least once a week, paying special attention to each layer of their coat. The Furminator brush can be used to loosen and rake out your dog’s undercoat before you bathe them, but only do a few light passes over their coat with this brush.

Additionally, you should bathe your Husky every 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on how active they are, and control their shedding, especially when they blow their coat twice a year.

Character of a Husky dog

The Siberian Husky is a friendly, social, and outgoing breed with a playful and affectionate personality. They are known for their intelligence and high-energy nature, which makes them an excellent companion for active families. Here are some key traits of a Husky’s character:

  • Friendly: Huskies are social dogs that enjoy being around people, other dogs, and even cats. They have a gentle nature and are usually good with children.
  • Independent: Huskies are independent and can be stubborn at times, which makes them challenging to train. They are known for their escape artist abilities, so it’s essential to keep them in a secure area.
  • Energetic: Huskies have a lot of energy and require plenty of exercise to keep them happy and healthy. They love to run, so taking them on long walks or runs is ideal.
  • Intelligent: Huskies are intelligent dogs that can learn tricks and commands quickly. However, their independent nature means that they may not always obey commands, especially if they are distracted.
  • Vocal: Huskies are known for their vocal nature, and they like to howl and bark, which can be a problem for some people.

Overall, the Siberian Husky dog is a friendly, energetic, and intelligent breed that requires an experienced owner who can provide them with plenty of exercise and training.

Siberian Huskies are generally known for their friendly and gentle nature, which makes them great companions for kids. When socialized and trained correctly, Huskies can be excellent family dogs and enjoy playing with children.

However, it’s essential to supervise interactions between Huskies and young children, especially if the dog is not familiar with them. Huskies can be energetic and may accidentally knock over or scratch young children while playing. Therefore, it’s crucial to teach children how to interact with dogs and respect their personal space.

Additionally, it’s important to note that Huskies have a high prey drive, and they may not be suitable for families with small pets, such as cats or rabbits. But they can get along with other dogs. It’s also worth noting that Huskies can be independent and stubborn, which can make training challenging. Therefore, it’s essential to start training and socializing Huskies from a young age to ensure they understand what is expected of them and how to behave around children.

Overall, if properly trained and socialized, Huskies can make great family dogs and enjoy playing with kids. However, it’s essential to supervise interactions and teach children how to interact with dogs to ensure everyone’s safety and happiness.

Exercise needs and training

Huskies require a significant amount of exercise every day to maintain their physical and mental health. According to various sources, a husky should be walked at least once per day and ideally twice a day for a total of 30 minutes to an hour of walking per day.

Additionally, high-intensity activities like running, hiking or playing with toys can help burn off excess energy and keep them stimulated.

Mental stimulation is also important for huskies, and activities like training, playing games, or puzzle toys can help keep their minds active.  

Training a Husky dog can be rewarding but challenging at times, as they can be independent and stubborn. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, it’s possible to train a Husky effectively. Here are some tips for training a Husky:

  1. Start Early: Begin training your Husky from a young age to establish good habits and prevent bad ones from forming.
  2. Use Positive Reinforcement: Huskies respond well to positive reinforcement, such as treats, praise, and playtime. Reward them for good behavior and ignore bad behavior.
  3. Be Consistent: Consistency is key when training a Husky. Use the same commands and rewards every time to avoid confusion.
  4. Use Short Training Sessions: Huskies have a short attention span, so keep training sessions short and frequent.
  5. Socialize: Socialization is essential for Huskies to learn how to interact with other dogs, people, and animals. Expose them to different environments, people, and animals from a young age.
  6. Be Patient: Training a Husky can take time, so be patient and don’t get frustrated. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, take a break and come back to training later.
  7. Seek Professional Help: If you’re having difficulty training your Husky, seek the help of a professional dog trainer.

Overall, training a Husky can be challenging, but with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, it’s possible to train them effectively.

Some fun facts about Husky dogs

  • Huskies are notorious escape artists that can find their way out of just about anything, including jumping over or digging under fences and slipping out of collars.
  • They can be really loud, with a distinctive howling that can be heard from far away.
  • Huskies are known for their playful and energetic personalities. They have a strong desire to play and can be quite mischievous.
  • They have a tendency to “talk” to their owners by making various sounds, including grunts, groans, and even singing.
  • Huskies can sprint for hours without food, and without fully depleting their bodies’ glycogen or fat stores. This amazing endurance is thought to be related to their ability to regulate their metabolism for performance.


Below are the emails from our customers with their Siberian Husky.

Husky - Shaiko

Shaiko a fêter ses 1 an il y a quelques jours il est en parfaite santé et va très bien 🤩
Bon week-end à vous.
Voici quelque photos de lui 🙂🐾

Husky - Laika

Hallo… Vandaag onze Laika 10 jaar geworden. We zijn zo gelukkig met haar, zo gezond en een super karakter. Dank aan de Woefkesranch. Ze word elke dag verwend met een wandeling. Ze leeft binnen in huis, ze heeft zelfs ons bed ingepalmd. Dankjewel nogmaals. Mevrouw Vanderhallen Masset Dilsen-Stokkem

Siberische Husky - Barry

Den Barry 2jaar geleden bij jullie gekocht in mei wordt hij 3 jaar

Husky - Akamaru



Voici quelques photos d’Akamaru. C’est vraiment un amour et tout le monde le trouve magnifique. 




Husky - Belle
Avec mon compagnon nous avons acheté notre chien chez vous le 9juillet 2022.
Voilà maintenant 10mois qu’elle fait partie de notre famille et aujourd’hui elle fête son 1er anniversaire.
Voici Bella et quelques photos de son évolution 🐾

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Siberische husky - Will - Vorst, België


And I changed my family life…. 

Will is geboren op 11/04/2022

Zora x Dodge

Laika - Husky

Lieve medewerkers, 


Bij deze laten wij u weten dat onze husky Laika vandaag 9 jaar is geworden. We zijn zo gelukkig met haar. Dank aan jullie voor uw inzet elke dag voor de hondjes ❤️


Mvg AM

Husky - Dendermonde, België
Ook hier gelukkige huskies 😁

Siberische Husky - Neo - Genk, België

Beste, neo bedankt u voor de wensen en dat jullie hem niet zijn vergeten.(zie hier een paar foto’s,eerste dag en nu)

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