How to choose the right Husky puppy?

Where can you buy a Siberian Husky with confidence?

WOEFKESRANCH is a specialized breeding

Husky puppy available

Siberische-husky-reu-6365-2. Jpg
Husky - € 1450 Nieuw nestje: °31/03/2024 - beschikbaar vanaf 26/5/2024
Nouvelle portée - New Litter
Rerserveer : TEL 0032 /15 755 942

foto: archief

Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij

Puppy alert
Where can you buy a Siberian Husky Puppy with confidence?

1- Choose a farm preferably close to your home. So you can come and visit him before buying the Husky puppy , meet the breeder and the parents of the puppy (at least one of the two must be on site, with a serious breeder) you wish to purchase. If you ever encounter a problem with your puppy, you will quickly return to the breeding to ask for advice or explanations.

2- A good breeder will answer your questions and inquire about how you intend to raise your Husky puppy . If the breeder doesn’t ask you any questions, obviously that’s a bad sign. The same, of course, if he offers you a Husky puppy less than seven weeks old.

3- Look in what environment the dogs are raised. Do they have space? Do you feel that the breeder is passionate about dogs? Is breeding on a human scale? Are the females constantly pregnant? Does the breeder breed several different dog breeds?

4- The breeder must know the dog that interests you and be able to give you advice so that it adapts to your family and your home. And possibly a linen from where he lived and the brand of food the Husky puppy ate before you bought him.

5- Ask him how he came to breeding and what his training is. A breeder who left an interesting job to set up his breeding business is definitely a dog lover. The same applies to anyone who has undergone training related to dog breeding.

our ranch meets these 5 conditions

husky puppy

Mails from our client with their Husky puppy

Siberian Huskies have captured the imagination of the masses, as well as artists, writers, and film producers, with their eye-catching looks and impressive talents. This medium-sized dog possesses power and athleticism. First developed as sled dogs – some are still used in that capacity – Hound dogs are remarkable dogs – and their ability to learn is amazing.

Husky pup selectie

Appearance of Husky


Without heaviness. Skull with slightly rounded top. Well marked stop. Straight chamfer. Muzzle of medium width. Well pigmented lips. Truffle color in harmony with that of the dress.


Almond-shaped, arranged very slightly obliquely. Brown or blue in color. We admit one eye of each color or eyes with these two shades.


Medium in size, triangular, close together and set high. Thick, furnished with good fur, carried straight.


Moderately compact. Curved neck, carried proudly erect when the dog is standing. When trotting, the neck extends so that the head is carried slightly forward. Chest high, strong, and not too wide. Straight back, solid, of medium length. Kidney tense and dry. Croup sloping but never swallowed.


Well muscled, strong bone. Legs of elongated oval shape, compact. Hard pads.


Well furnished (in brush), carried over the back in a curve like that of a sickle.


Of medium length, straight, somewhat lying, never hard. Soft and dense undercoat.


All colors accepted, from flair to pure white. There are various marks, including many typical patterns.

Native country

North America


The females are between 51 and 56 cm. The males are slightly larger, they are between 64 and 60 cm

Male: from 54 to 60 cm.
Female: from 51 to 56 cm.


The males weigh between 20 and 28 kg and the females between 15.7 and 23 kg.

Male: 20 to 28 kg.
Female: 15.7 to 23 kg

Character, aptitudes, education:

Rustic, extremely enduring, very independent and runaway. Affectionate, sociable, it is a pleasant companion. He is not a guardian as he is not suspicious of strangers. He is not very aggressive with his congeners.
His hunting instinct is very strong, so the property in which he lives must be well fenced. His education will be firm so that he considers his master as his pack leader.

If you look at all the positives about their temperaments, you will be left with no doubt that this is an amazing breed. They are intelligent and independent. They are affectionate with everyone, but don’t need to constantly harass you. They are not known to be aggressive and generally do well in multi-dog homes. They do well with children and welcome everyone into their home – yes, even intruders.

Strong points

  • Depending on your climate, Siberian Huskies are generally low shedders except during times of the year when they blow their coat, which means they shed large amounts of hair at once. This happens about twice a year, more if you live in warmer climates, and when it does the breed becomes a heavy shedder for about a three week stretch.
  • Siberian Huskies are not recommended for apartment living, but some do quite well in apartments if properly trained and exercised.
  • Siberian Huskies are known to escape artists and have been known to wander far and disappear. They can jump fences, break tie-out chains, slip collars and find another way to escape. They need a tall fenced yard and the fence should also be buried several inches below ground to prevent the Husky from digging its way out.
  • Siberian Huskies can be very destructive both indoors and outdoors. If left indoors WRAPPED, the breed can destroy a home and cause a wide variety of damage. Outdoors, they like to dig and dig themselves as well in yards and flower gardens. A dog that is given a place to dig in the yard is much happier and so are you.
  • While they love howling, Siberian Huskies rarely bark and they do bark alert if someone comes onto your property. This makes them an unsuitable watchdog. The rap about the Huskies is that they would favor a burglar before posing a threat.
  • Siberian Husky are not a breed for the new or timid owner. They need a solid owner who will maintain an alpha position in the house. They need obedience training from a young age and can be a difficult and stubborn breed to train.
  • Siberian Huskies are very curious and can get injured or lost as they explore something new.
  • Affectionate and good natured describes the Siberian Husky. They generally do well with children although young children should never be left alone with a breed. They also get along with people and do well in homes with multiple dogs.
  • Siberian Huskies were bred to need very little food to survive. This still applies today and the Siberian Husky does not need a high level of calories per day. It is important to ask your Siberian Husky breeder what they have recommended for a helping hand and follow their advice.
  • Huskies cannot be allowed to run off-leash during walks. They will run away and also chase other small animals.
  • Because of their beauty,
    Siberian Husky

    are one of the worst bought breeds around. Many don’t take into consideration their particular temperaments and quirks and are often left with an unruly, yet handsome, dog. Many Siberian Huskies are either lost, killed, or given to shelters due to misinformed owners. If you are considering buying a Siberian Husky, take plenty of time to learn about the breed. Visit Siberian Husky breeders or shelter dogs, read books, talk to other owners and maybe cheer if you feel you can. If after all of your experiences you feel like you still want a Siberian Husky, take some time to decide if you should adopt a rescue or a puppy. Follow the advice of your breeder and remember that this beautiful dog will make your life an adventure and not always a good one.

  • To get a healthy dog, never buy a puppy from an irresponsible breeder, puppy mill, or pet store. Look for a reputable breeder who tests their breeding dogs to ensure they are free of genetic diseases they might pass onto puppies, and that they have sound temperaments.


Made for life in the open air, he is unhappy in an apartment. It needs intense activity to stay balanced. Weekly brushing. Weeding during moulting.


Sled dog (light load at moderate speed over long distances). Companion dog.

Photos and Videos


Below are the emails from our customers with their Siberian Husky.

Husky - Shaiko

Shaiko a fêter ses 1 an il y a quelques jours il est en parfaite santé et va très bien 🤩
Bon week-end à vous.
Voici quelque photos de lui 🙂🐾

Husky - Laika

Hallo… Vandaag onze Laika 10 jaar geworden. We zijn zo gelukkig met haar, zo gezond en een super karakter. Dank aan de Woefkesranch. Ze word elke dag verwend met een wandeling. Ze leeft binnen in huis, ze heeft zelfs ons bed ingepalmd. Dankjewel nogmaals. Mevrouw Vanderhallen Masset Dilsen-Stokkem

Siberische Husky - Barry

Den Barry 2jaar geleden bij jullie gekocht in mei wordt hij 3 jaar

Husky - Akamaru



Voici quelques photos d’Akamaru. C’est vraiment un amour et tout le monde le trouve magnifique. 




Husky - Belle
Avec mon compagnon nous avons acheté notre chien chez vous le 9juillet 2022.
Voilà maintenant 10mois qu’elle fait partie de notre famille et aujourd’hui elle fête son 1er anniversaire.
Voici Bella et quelques photos de son évolution 🐾

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Siberische husky - Will - Vorst, België


And I changed my family life…. 

Will is geboren op 11/04/2022

Zora x Dodge

Laika - Husky

Lieve medewerkers, 


Bij deze laten wij u weten dat onze husky Laika vandaag 9 jaar is geworden. We zijn zo gelukkig met haar. Dank aan jullie voor uw inzet elke dag voor de hondjes ❤️


Mvg AM

Husky - Dendermonde, België
Ook hier gelukkige huskies 😁

Siberische Husky - Neo - Genk, België

Beste, neo bedankt u voor de wensen en dat jullie hem niet zijn vergeten.(zie hier een paar foto’s,eerste dag en nu)

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