Maltese dogs for sale, Belgium

The Maltese dog is a small toy dog breed that is affectionate, lively, and intelligent. They typically weigh less than seven pounds and are covered by a long, straight, silky coat that is white. The Maltese is suitable for living in apartments and small spaces, but can be difficult to housebreak and are known to be finicky eaters. The breed requires daily exercise, and they can make for charming lapdogs. Despite their small size, the Maltese can be an alert and fearless watchdog. They are also known for their luxurious, floor-length white coats and playful personalities.

Appearance of a Maltese dog

The Maltese is a toy dog breed known for its luxurious, long, straight, silky white coat that hangs close to the ground, giving it an ornamental appearance. The long hair on the head can be styled in a topknot or left hanging. The breed has a compact, buoyant body that moves with a smooth and effortless gait. Maltese are small dogs, weighing less than seven kilos, and have large, dark eyes that are accentuated by their trademark white fur.


Grooming a Maltese requires regular attention to keep their long, silky coat healthy and free from mats and tangles. Here are some tips for grooming a Maltese:

  • Brush their coat daily: Use a slicker brush or a comb to gently brush their coat daily to prevent mats and tangles from forming. Maltese have long hair that can easily become matted, so it’s important to brush them regularly.
  • Bathe them regularly: It’s important to keep your Maltese clean to prevent skin problems and bad odors. Bathe your Maltese every 3–6 months using a mild dog shampoo. Make sure to rinse them thoroughly to avoid any residue that can cause skin irritation.
  • Trim their hair: Maltese hair can grow quite long, so it’s important to trim it regularly to prevent it from getting too long and tangling. You can either do this yourself or take them to a professional groomer.
  • Clean their eyes and ears: Maltese have large, dark eyes that can tear up, causing stains on their fur. Clean their eyes with a damp cloth daily to prevent staining. Maltese ears are also prone to infections, so it’s important to clean them regularly using a soft cloth and a gentle ear cleaner.
  • Trim their nails: Keep your Maltese’s nails trimmed to prevent them from getting too long and causing discomfort or injury.

Remember to praise your Maltese during grooming sessions to help them feel comfortable and make the experience a positive one. With regular grooming, your Maltese can look and feel their best.

Character of a Maltese dog

The Maltese dog breed is known for being affectionate, playful, and intelligent. These dogs are loyal and devoted to their owners and thrive on human companionship. They are small in size but have big personalities, and they are often described as being fearless and confident despite their small stature. Maltese are also known for being good watchdogs and will alert their owners if they sense something is amiss.

Maltese are generally friendly with other dogs and pets, but they can be reserved with strangers. They are also known to be sensitive to their surroundings and can become anxious if left alone for long periods of time. Early socialization and positive reinforcement training can help to curb any unwanted behaviors.

Overall, the Maltese is a loving and playful companion that makes a great lapdog and family pet. They require moderate exercise and regular grooming to keep their long, silky coat healthy and free from mats and tangles.

Maltese dogs are known to be energetic, affectionate, and playful around children. According to professional Maltese dog experts, they score well in a scale of kid friendliness. However, Maltese can be snappy with raucous children. It is important to educate children not to share human foods with Maltese dogs, as garlic and onions, two of the Maltese’s most lethal foods, may be found in a range of dishes, which must be avoided at all costs.

Maltese dogs are generally friendly towards other pets and get along well with cats and other small animals. As with any dog breed, early socialization is key to ensuring that your Maltese gets along with other pets in the household. Introducing your Maltese to other pets gradually and under supervision can help to prevent any potential conflicts.

It is important to note that Maltese are small dogs and may be at risk of injury from larger pets, so it is important to monitor their interactions closely. Additionally, Maltese are known to be territorial and may become possessive of their toys or food. To prevent any issues, it is recommended to provide separate feeding areas and toys for each pet.

Overall, with proper socialization and supervision, Maltese can live harmoniously with other pets in the household.

Exercise needs and training

According to several sources, a Maltese dog does not require a lot of exercise, but they do need to incorporate daily physical activity into their routine. A walk of approximately 20 to 30 minutes twice a day, generally in the morning and evening, is sufficient for most Maltese. Additionally, they should have some unstructured activity throughout the day, including free playtime with mentally stimulating toys.

Training tips:

  1. Establishing a Routine
    Create a regular schedule for feeding, potty breaks, and exercise
    Set up an area for training and provide mental stimulation
    Incorporate positive reinforcement techniques
  2. Crate Training
    Purchase a crate that is the correct size for your Maltese
    Place the crate in an area of the home that is comfortable and relaxed
    Introduce the crate to your Maltese gradually and use positive reinforcement
  3. Teaching Basic Commands
    Start with basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come”
    Use treats as a reward for correct behavior
    Practice commands regularly and consistently
  4. Housebreaking
    Set up a consistent potty schedule and use the same area each time
    Supervise your Maltese closely and take them outside regularly
    Immediately reward your Maltese with a treat after potty breaks
  5. Socializing
    Introduce your Maltese to other animals and people gradually and under supervision
    Take your Maltese to public places that allow dogs and provide positive experiences
    Reward your Maltese with treats and praise to reinforce good behaviors
  6. Leash Training
    Begin leash training in a quiet and enclosed area
    Use positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage good behaviors
    Start with short walks and slowly increase the length of time
  7. Chewing
    Provide chew toys to deter your Maltese from chewing on objects
    Praise your Maltese for chewing on toys instead of other items
    Discourage bad habits immediately
  8. Separation Anxiety
    Make sure to give your Maltese plenty of attention and exercise
    Create a safe and comfortable area for your Maltese
    Provide your Maltese with a special toy or treat when leaving the house
  9. Training Challenges
    Be consistent and patient when training
    Use positive reinforcement techniques
    Avoid punishment and harsh language
  10. Professional Training
    Consider enrolling your Maltese in a professional training program
    Research different professional trainers in your area
    Ask friends and family for recommendations

Some fun facts

The Maltese breed has many interesting and fun facts:

  • Maltese dogs are tiny athletes. They are agile, talented, and trainable, and enjoy competitive sports like agility and obedience.
  • Maltese dogs are brave and fearless. Despite their small size, they are always ready to stand up for themselves and their owners.
  • Maltese dogs can read human emotions. They are known for being very responsive and in tune with their owners’ feelings.
  • The Maltese breed has many names, including Maltese lion dog, Maltese terrier, Melitaie dog, Roman ladies’ dog, shock dog, and the Spaniel gentle.
  • Maltese dogs are gentle, affectionate, and intelligent. They make great family pets and are known for their lively and playful personalities.


Below are the emails from our customers with their Maltese.

Maltezer - Rocky - 1 jaar
Bedankt voor de verjaardagswensen voor Rocky 1 jaar ❤👍

Maltezer - Rosie uit Geraardsbergen

Hallo dag Marleen en Wannes, 

Hier nog eens wat nieuws over onze Malthezer pup Rosie, alles gaat super goed met haar ze groeit als kool maar is toch een kleintje, ze heeft een eigen karaktertje maar is super lief en een knuffel meisje, ik stuur nog wat foto’s mee van haar eerste knipbeurt gisteren ze is om op te eten grtjs Lorrez Paul en katty 

Maltezer Louca: Schattige puppy's

Dag Marleen & Wannes,


Wat schattige Maltezer puppy’s hebben jullie weer,

wij raden deze zeker aan,

want wij hebben een mooi schatje van jullie.


lieve groetjes,

Fam.Verloo en Louca uit Hoboken 

Maltezer - Petange, Luxemburg

Elle dort sur la place de mon bichon qui est mort
Elle est née le 29/05/2022.
Mapa x Samson


Maltezer - Rik - Oudsbergen, België

Onze Rik is een zeer levendige hond die het liefst van al de hele dag in de tuin zou rondrennen. Hij gaat graag wandelen ,is niet graag alleen en knoken zijn zijn lievelingssnoepjes.


Jos en Jeannine L

Maltezer - Robert - Gent, België

Thank you so much for congratulations 🙂


Robert is a great, happy and super active puppy! Here are some pictures of him.


Thank you again :))


Kind regards 



Robert was born on the 15th of april 2022.
Snowy x Samson


Maltezer - Lexy - Ganshoren, België

Merci, notre petit Lexy nous comble de bonheur, il n’est pas encore tout à fait propre mais il est joyeux, gentil, affectueux et en bonne santé.


En pièces jointes quelques photos,


Bonne journée, 




Lexy est née le 15/04/2022.

Snowy x Samson

Maltezer - Plush


Vorige week, 30/01/23, is onze Plush, een Maltezer geboren 03/01/2006 in de Woefkensranch, van ouderdom in onze armen overleden.
Wij zijn dus heel tevreden van de Woefkensranch. 17 jaar oud, het is niet niks.
Momenteel zijn we alles nog aan het verwerken, maar stilletjes aan durven we al te denken aan een nieuwe dikke vriend.
We zouden dan opnieuw voor een Maltezer opteren.
Ik schreef me in en zal dan wel een mail ontvangen mocht er een nestje zijn.
Wij wilden jullie toch even bedanken voor onze Plush en hopen op termijn weer net zo’n goede, leuke hond bij jullie te kunnen kopen.
Aangezien we een volgende pup weer de volle aandacht willen geven, schatten we dat we er rond de zomer wel weer klaar voor zullen zijn.
met vriendelijke groeten
W & N


Maltezer: Babbetje

Gelukkig Nieuwjaar van Babbetje uit Bredene
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