10 things Beagles love to do

Table of contents

Every dog breed is different. While some breeds, like German Shepherds, prefer to be independent, other breeds, like Golden Retrievers, always want to be with their owner. But what about beagles? What do beagles like to do?

Barking, howling, whining


If you didn’t know this: Beagles are super vocal. They make various sounds to let you know what their feelings are.

My beagle barks every time he wants attention. He stares at the doorknob and makes a high-pitched sound when he wants to go outside. He whines when he wants to eat what we eat. He barks high when someone rings the doorbell.

It’s as if they have their own language that only beagle owners can understand.

Smelling things

Beagles are scent hounds. They were bred to track the scent of small animals and chase them down for their owners.

beagle dog sniffing on the green grass.

It is their natural instinct to sniff. Beagles have one of the most powerful noses with 225 million scent receptors. To put that in perspective: human noses have only 400 scent receptors.

Like every other beagle, he is obsessed with smelling things. He will sniff everything he finds outside, even the poop of other animals.

Eat, eat, and eat more

Beagles are foodies. They love to eat. Put anything within reach, and they will gulp it down in seconds.

Girl gives a beagle puppy a huge steel bowl full of dog food. A very hungry dog on a bluish-green background.

Their love for food can be dangerous. Not all human food is safe for beagles. Food products like garlic, onion, sugar, and spices are toxic to them.

Last month, our sweetheart climbed onto our dining table and ate leftover brownies. We had to take him to an emergency room and keep him under observation for two days.

So make sure to keep all food, other than dog food, out of your beagle’s reach.

Chewing on things

I think this is universal. Not just beagles, but all dogs love to chew. It’s something that relaxes them.

Chewing is not bad. It even helps keep a dog’s jaws healthy and keeps their teeth clean. But it is essential to teach your beagle what is good to chew on and what is not. Or you’ll find the mascara from your couch and furniture every time you come home.

You can give your dog a chew bone or a chew treat from time to time.


Beagles are outgoing dogs. They love being around people and other dogs. They are not shy. Instead, they will jump on a person to overload them with licks and kisses.

Every time guests came to our home, he greeted them with a wagging tail. Then he always grabs one of his toys for some reason and offers it to the guests.

Not just with people, but also with other dogs. You should see them in a dog park. They get super excited to interact with other dogs.

However, their social skills strongly depend on how well a beagle was socialized during his puppyhood.

Jumping on others

Beagles are jumpy dogs. They often start jumping when they are excited. They can even jump to grab something from your hand.

This is not something you should encourage. Jumping can be dangerous for both your beagle and yourself. Your dog could break his feet. In the long run, it can increase the risk of joint problems.

So if this is something your dog does, try to control his impulse and teach him not to do it.


For my family and me, this is the best trait of beagles. They love to cuddle.

While some dog breeds prefer to be alone and independent, beagles cannot live without human affection.

Every morning I find Groot curled up in my blanket, with his back against my feet. He also loves to take a nap on my girlfriend’s lap when we watch movies.

In most cases, they all love to cuddle.

Sleeping on your bed

Beagles love to sleep next to their loved ones. Or they find our mattress much more comfortable than theirs.

I tried so hard to teach my Groot to sleep on his bed. But in the middle of the night, while I’m sleeping, he jumps on the bed and snuggles into my blanket. I’m a deep sleeper, so I enjoy having my little monster snuggled in my blanket next to me.

At first, I thought it was just my beagle. But when I asked a Reddit community of beagle owners, so many told me they faced the same thing.

Running in circles

We all know how much beagles love to run. But for some reason, they love to run in circles.

I tried to find the reason behind this behavior, but apparently, quite a few beagles do it, but no one knows why.

Send me an email if you know the cause.

Playing tug-of-war

Beagles love to play tug-of-war. Grab a tug toy, hold one end, and give the other to your beagle and let him pull.

This brings out their predatory nature. But it’s also a great way to let out their energy.

Ninja Tip: Your beagle may even growl during tug-of-war. It is perfectly normal and healthy.

However, it is essential to establish some ground rules to ensure your safety. Teach your beagle the LEAVE command before you start playing. Your dog should leave the toy on your command. Start with a long rope to prevent accidents.

Final thoughts

So these were some of the most common things that beagles like to do. If there is a certain behavior you think should be on this list, feel free to email me.

And check out what other Beagle owners have discovered: https://www.woefkesranch.be/reviews/ras/beagle/



Our Trustpilot reviews

Below are emails from our customers with their Beagle.

Beagle – Bertha

Een echt hondenleven heeft ze, ons Bertha!😊

Beagle – Ellie


Ellie stelt het vrij goed. Zij wou gisteren wel niet eten maar ik heb de korrels wat geweekt met een beetje (lauw) water en deze morgen lukte het wel. Ze was wel wat onrustig deze nacht, we zijn een drietal keer opgestaan om haar wat rustig te krijgen en daarna sliep ze telkens een paar uur terug verder. We hopen dat dit geleidelijkaan zal verbeteren, de eerste nachten weg uit het nest is natuurlijk wat wennen voor het beestje.

Het plassen buiten gaat goed, iedere keer we haar even buiten laten plast ze (deze nacht ook wel een paar keer op haar matje in de bench maar komt op trainen aan).Voor de rest is ze heel aanhankelijk en lief


Jacky W.

Beagle de Erquelinnes – Sam


Voici quelques photos de Sam, déjà 1an et toujours un vrai plaisir.

Bien à vous


Sam °14/8/2023

Gatsby x Donna

Beagle – Winston – Braine-l’Alleud (Eigenbrakel)

Bonjour, Madame, Monsieur,
Bien merci pour votre gentil mail à l´occasion de son premier anniversaire!
Voici deux photos de notre Bébé Bonheur, petit Winston!
Un an déjà qu´il apporte joie, câlins et espiegleries dans notre maison!Bonne fin de journée!
Mme B-V – Braine-l’Alleud (Eigenbrakel)

Oscar – Dabber

Beagle – Finn



Notre chien se porte très bien !

Il est encore assez têtu mais très gentil et joueur.

Je vous envoie des petites photos de lui pour qui vous voyiez comme il a bien grandi !


Bonne journée à vous,

A bientôt,



Beagle – Snoepie

Snoepie is vandaag ingeënt. Foto Snoepie in bijlage.


Beagle – Woody – 1 jaar

Beste Marleen,

Bedankt voor jullie mail.
Hierbij wat foto’s van Woody.
Het gaat heel goed met hem. Hij is een echte lieverd en een enorme knuffel.

Fijne dag!


Anika, Mario, Benthe en Woody


Gatsby x Olga

Oscar – Beagle


In bijlage een paar foto’s van Oscar. Wordt ondertussen een grote meneer ;)


Cooper – Beagle


Onze Cooper ondertussen zijn vaccin gehad hier nog fotootjes van Cooper. 


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More info about the Beagle

Read more about the on our blog.